Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ahhh! Sweet Victory!

Thinking back over the takeover of Congress by the Democrats last Tuesday is like settling into a nice warm bath. What a relief from the growing fear that this country was being taken over permanently by a group of criminals with no concern for morality, the Constitution, or the democratic principles this country was founded on, all for the sake of keeping power in their hands. It had a lot of right-thinking American patriots ready to escape to Canada. Personally I was thinking Scotland. I like Scotland. Of course I like America better, but I couldn't live with what those bastards were doing to our beloved country. And I feared that I would never again get to vote them out. What a relief that the true American patriots awoke.

Now let's hope the Democrats can start the process of turning away from despotism and back to democracy. There are already signs of it. Orange Coast College students have voted to forbid the forced pledging of allegiance to a flag, any flag. (I'm reminded of one of my favorite poems by e.e. cummings, "I Sing of Olaf," and the line: "I will not kiss your flag.") That is contrary to what a free people should have to do. South Dakotans have rejected the ban on abortions their legislatures voted in a few months ago. Don't you love it when Americans rebel and refuse to be corraled like sheep by moronic politicians?

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