Friday, November 24, 2006

Slaughter of Innocents?

There are many anti-choice articles on the internet that equate the discarding of the unused embryos resulting from in vitro fertilization procedures as "murder." Although a little stupid, it's at least logical--in a perverse sort of way--given the degree of irrationality of that group of people.

As I noted in my previous post, there are those who equate the discarding of to-be-discarded embryos with killing "little human beings," hence the "murder" designation. As if believing the discarding of unused embryos weren't bizarre enough, along comes a news article that has to take the cake. Now someone is actually bringing murder charges against those who do discard these microscopic cell clusters. They ought instead to be charged with destroying the hopes of millions of humans who suffer from debilitating diseases who could potentially benefit from stem-cell research.

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